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Case Study: Pepper

"We didn’t know we wanted nor needed a Canine Massage Therapist.  We were just walking in the woods, with our two dogs, the older dog Pepper in his newly acquired dog buggy.  Husband, still embarrassed by having a dog in a buggy, would explain to everyone that Pepper had two prolapsed discs, and was only allowed restricted walks, while at the same time the younger one needed much more exercise.  Solution?  The embarrassing buggy.  Which would lead to conversations with fellow dog walkers,  and next thing we know is that we were recommended to try Alison Pearce Canine Massage Therapist, as she had made such a difference to their dog.


And so Alison came into Pepper’s life.  The initial consultation was very thorough.  It included examination of the dog and how he walked, checking we were doing the right things (raised dog bowls, easy access to his bed and outside, ensuring the slippy floors safe etc.).  Even on the first visit, before Pepper had got to know and trust Alison, she made a massive difference to his mobility and comfort.   And so his regular massage sessions began."



"Pepper was always pleased to see Alison and very relaxed during his sessions with her.  And we noticed that he started to initiate play sessions - something he hadn’t wanted to do for a good year or two before.  

Pepper's sessions were definitely life changing, and eased his aches and pains.  


We cannot praise Alison highly enough.  She was always reliable and punctual, letting us know on the odd occasion that traffic problems were delaying her.  But more importantly is her skill, knowledge and love of all things dog.  She is very thoughtful and caring.  If we asked a question about Pepper - she would give deep thought and consideration before answering.  


Since Alison came into our lives as a Canine Massage Therapist, she has qualified as a Vet Physiotherapist and is able to offer even more to her canine patients.  


Sadly Pepper is no longer with us, but Alison undoubtedly kept him going and (most importantly) happy for at least 15 months - and much longer than it would have been without her treatment.  Even the vet, at the end, remarked on how well he had managed for a dog with his disabilities and this is very much due to the treatment given by Alison.


We have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in recommending, very highly, Alison Pearce to any dog owner with a dog in need."


Sarah & Geoff

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